What We Do

We provide patented, eco-certified, and award-winning plastic-reducing compounds, along with the tech support you need for easy integration into your manufacturing. Through our partnerships, we can also provide finished products (cosmetic packaging, EVA and TPE products, thermoformed products) that meet you specs and sustainability goals. Our HQ is in Taiwan, where we can oversee production and quality, and we have branch offices in North America and the UK, making it easier than ever for you to find the solutions you need.
USA: andrew@ecoshell.eco
UK and EU: dince@ecoshell.eco
Canada: nhollins@ecoshell.eco
Taiwan: solutions@ecoshell.eco


We look forward to working with you.
United States

Covington, KY (Cincinnati, OH)

Our HQ in the USA handles client outreach, customer service, and business and product development. Our main warehousing is based here, and we are able to take advantage of Northern Kentucky’s stellar logistics industry.

  • US business development
  • Customer service
  • Trade show representation
  • US logistics
  • Packaging, blown film manufacturing
Andrew Bliss, Founder and CEO (EN/CH)

Phone:+1 (859) 443 1382

Email: andrew@ecoshell.eco

Christopher Meyer, VP Sales

Phone:+1 (609) 280 1150

Email: chris.meyer@ecoshell.eco

Terry Faulkner, Sustainability Consultant (EN/KOR)

Phone:+1 (303) 656 0943

Email: terryofaulkner@ecoshell.eco

Alex Mendez, Sustainability Consultant (EN/ESP)

Email: alexmendez@ecoshell.eco

Canada / Spark Sourcing

Fredericton, New Brunswick

Our Canadian partner company is female-owned and proudly listed on the Canadian Indigenous Business Directory, providing a number of incentives for clients. Our government procurement and North American logistics are also run from this office, as well as business and product development.

  • Government bids
  • Sustainable product development
  • North American sales management
  • Logistics
  • North American client services
Nicole Hollins, Founder and Director (EN/FR)

Phone: +1 (506) 261-9772

Email: nhollins@sparksourcing.co

Dave Ince, Business Development (EN/GER)

Phone: +1 (506) 259-6266

Email: dince@sparksourcing.co

Taiwan / Spark Sourcing

Taipei, Taiwan

Our base in Taiwan gives us access to the top sustainability tech in the world. From there, we can also develop factory relationships, oversee production and quality, and be your “boots on the ground” in the region. The Taiwan base also is the customer service and sales outlet for the Australia and New Zealand regions.

  • International sales development
  • Product development
  • Supplier management
  • Quality control
  • Logistics
Victor Hu, Supplier relations (CH/EN)

Email: solutions@ecoshell.eco

Skype: drewbliss

Uk and Europe

Manchester, England

Our UK base of operations handles business development and sustainability consultation across the UK and the EU, as well as distribution of all Ecoshell products and those of our partner factories.

  • European business development
  • Product development
  • Trade show representation
  • European logistics
  • European customer service
Sales Team

Email: UKsales@ecoshell.eco

Dave Ince, Business Development

Email: dince@ecoshell.eco

Send Us a Message

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